3.1 What is a crypto wallet?
A Digital wallet is a way to carry cash or coins in digital format. Credit card or debit card information should be linked to digital wallet application or money can be transferred in online to mobile wallet. Instead of using physical plastic card to make purchases, it can be paid through smartphone, tablet, or smart watch. The Services offered by Digital Wallets are Balance Enquiry, Passbook/ Transaction history, Add money, Accept Money, Pay money etc. Digital wallets are composed of both digital wallet devices and digital wallet systems. A mobile wallet is simply the digital wallet on the mobile handset. Presently there are further explorations for smart phones with digital wallet capabilities, such as the Samsung Galaxy series and the Google Nexussmart phones utilizing Google’s Android operating system and the Apple Inc.iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Most banks have their e-wallets and some private companies.
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